Unexpected Opportunities in Photography Sales and Networking.

I love it when an Opportunity to sell your work and get it out to be seen happens. Recently I was contacted by one of the organizations I am involved in, USVAA, and they were wanting a couple images to use for Social Media posts for the 4th of July. I didn’t have much in my portfolio that fit the holiday so I knew I would have to go find the images! It was a little hard since not a lot of 4th of July decorations were up yet. I went to my peers at Little Egypt Art Association and asked for good ideas and locations and as always they came through.

So I grabbed the camera and went and got the photos. Keith at USVAA like 2 of the 4 I sent him, and now my work is getting seen by more people. All this happened because I went looking for groups and organizations that I can get involved in and network with.

Moral of this story is be involved! The more people who know what you do, and like you because you have built a relationship with them, will open doors. Work with people who also love and appreciate the Arts. Last when presented with that opportunity jump at the chance!!!

Until Next time

The Redleg Photographer!


Travel and looking for new things to Photograph


A Weekend of Black and White Photography in St Louis.