Photo Printing and my favorite Company to do it at, Mpix.
This is a unsolicited plug for my favorite place to get photos and other photo products, that is a company called Mpix! Almost everything I have printed in any quantity and especially anything I cannot print at home (my largest at home print I can do is an 8.5X11), is from them!!!
The prints I do at home are mostly proofs and are not as good of quality as what I get from Mpix. My printer make good snapshots but not something I would want for a customer.
Mpix’s quality is great. The largest image I have had them do so far is a 20x30 and I am completely satisficed. Their web site is informative and pretty easy to use. Their pricing is strait forward and no hidden cost. But most important their customer service is great. I have only needed to use it for issues I have created and they have done their best to help me out.
So if you are looking for a good place to get a quality wall hanger, Wall Art, Photo Book, Calendar, even a Christmas ornament and many more Items check them out!
I want to reiterate I am receiving no compensation to make this plug. I just like their work. If you need them open your search engine and type in you will not regret it. #mpix
Until next time
The Redleg Photographer